Q: Where can I report bugs and other issues I find?
A: Please direct bugs, issues, and questions to the #bot-support channel in our Discord. We're happy to help.
Q: Does this bot work on Mac/Linux?
A: RXBot is built to work on Windows, and was created and tested on Windows 10. If there's enough of a demand, we can see about a Linux version, but a MacOS version won't happen unless someone else would like to create it.
Q: Where can I download custom user scripts?
A: Custom scripts are mainly posted in our Discord, in the #scripts text channel. Feel free to post your own!
Q: My bot crashes on startup!
A: Reinstall Python 3.7.0, and re-run Install_Requirements.bat. If this doesn't work, please contact us in our Discord.
Q: My bot doesn't start at all!
A: Make sure the bot isn't being blocked by your antivirus software, as many will tag .exe files as a virus if it's from an unrecognized source. If you desire, you can run the bot using IntRX.bat in the bot's IntRX folder— it does the exact same thing as the .exe, but we highly recommend against this, as a .bat file cannot properly be run as administrator.
Q: My scripts don't work in some programs/some of my user scripts don't work at all!
A: Run IntRX as administrator. If the problem is only with custom-made scripts, double-check your scripts and make sure it's not user error.
Q: Commands are being loaded even though I'm not in the game's window!
A: IntRX doesn't use exact window titles, it simply searches the window title for keywords. For example, Minecraft always has a version number at the end of its window title, so to make it version independent, the bot simply searches for "Minecraft" in the window title. As a side effect, however, opening your web browser and going to a site with "Minecraft" in the page title will load commands for Minecraft. This is a very small side effect and will likely not cause any actual problems.
Q: I don't trust random .exe files! Can I run the bot without it?
A: Our bots are completely open source, we assure you they don't do anything malicious. But if you're still paranoid, you can find IntRX.bat in the IntRX subfolder. The .bat file does the exact same thing as the .exe file, but the .exe file is highly recommended, as the .bat file won't properly run as administrator, causing potential compatibility issues.
A: Please direct bugs, issues, and questions to the #bot-support channel in our Discord. We're happy to help.
Q: Does this bot work on Mac/Linux?
A: RXBot is built to work on Windows, and was created and tested on Windows 10. If there's enough of a demand, we can see about a Linux version, but a MacOS version won't happen unless someone else would like to create it.
Q: Where can I download custom user scripts?
A: Custom scripts are mainly posted in our Discord, in the #scripts text channel. Feel free to post your own!
Q: My bot crashes on startup!
A: Reinstall Python 3.7.0, and re-run Install_Requirements.bat. If this doesn't work, please contact us in our Discord.
Q: My bot doesn't start at all!
A: Make sure the bot isn't being blocked by your antivirus software, as many will tag .exe files as a virus if it's from an unrecognized source. If you desire, you can run the bot using IntRX.bat in the bot's IntRX folder— it does the exact same thing as the .exe, but we highly recommend against this, as a .bat file cannot properly be run as administrator.
Q: My scripts don't work in some programs/some of my user scripts don't work at all!
A: Run IntRX as administrator. If the problem is only with custom-made scripts, double-check your scripts and make sure it's not user error.
Q: Commands are being loaded even though I'm not in the game's window!
A: IntRX doesn't use exact window titles, it simply searches the window title for keywords. For example, Minecraft always has a version number at the end of its window title, so to make it version independent, the bot simply searches for "Minecraft" in the window title. As a side effect, however, opening your web browser and going to a site with "Minecraft" in the page title will load commands for Minecraft. This is a very small side effect and will likely not cause any actual problems.
Q: I don't trust random .exe files! Can I run the bot without it?
A: Our bots are completely open source, we assure you they don't do anything malicious. But if you're still paranoid, you can find IntRX.bat in the IntRX subfolder. The .bat file does the exact same thing as the .exe file, but the .exe file is highly recommended, as the .bat file won't properly run as administrator, causing potential compatibility issues.