This page lists all commands that the bot comes with. Users activate commands by typing them into your Twitch chat, or you can activate them by typing them into the bot window. Whenever you wish to close the bot, type quit into the console window (without the quotes) in order to properly clear some files. Don't worry, this won't clear the song request queue.
!sr or !songrequest || This is the command users will type to request songs. They type the command, then the song they want to request.
!q or !queue || Displays the link to your uploaded song queue in chat, i.e. your QUEUE LINK setting. Explained further in the setup guide.
!tl or !timeleft || Displays how much time is remaining on the current song. Putting a song ID after this command will display the combined length of all songs leading up to that one, i.e. how long until that song begins playing (assuming no pausing or skipping).
!ws or !wrongsong || If a user requests a song, but the search does not yield the correct song, the user can type this command to remove the last song they requested from the queue. They can also add a song ID after the command, if they wish to remove one of their requests that isn't the most recent one. For example, !wrongsong 7 will remove song 7 from the queue, assuming it was requested by that same user.
!cs or !clearsong (Mod Only) || Removes the last song added to the queue, regardless of who requested it. Can also add a song ID after the command, if they wish to remove a song besides the most recent one. For example, !clearsong 7 will remove song 7 from the queue.
!plsr (Mod Only) || Functions like !sr, but adds the song to the backup playlist rather than the song request queue.
!plclearsong (Mod Only) || Functions like !clearsong, but removes the most recent song added via !plsr.
!v or !volume (Mod Only) || Doing this command by itself will display the current volume of the music in chat. Adding a number after the command will set the volume to that number. For example, !volume 75 will set the volume to 70 (out of 100).
!volumeup or !vu/!volumedown or !vd (Mod Only) || Turn the music volume up or down. Doing the command by itself will adjust the volume based on what you have the VOL INCREMENT setting set to on your settings spreadsheet, but adding a number after the command will adjust the volume by that amount. For example, if the current volume is 50, !volumeup 20 or !vu 20 will change the volume to 70.
!veto (Mod Only) || Skips the current song.
!pause (Mod Only) || Pauses the music.
!p or !togglepause (Mod Only) || Plays the music if it's paused, or pauses the music if it's playing. Mainly used for a hotkey.
!clearqueue (Mod Only) || Removes all songs from the song request queue. This does not skip the current song.
- Google Play Music: Following the command with a search term will add the song from Google Play Music. For example: !sr Ginuwine Pony will search "Ginuwine Pony" on Google Play Music, and add the best result. Users can also add their own blacklisted terms to their search by putting a hyphen before the word they wish to exclude. For example: !sr Ginuwine Pony -remix will look up "Ginuwine Pony" on Google Play Music, but will exclude all search results containing the word "Remix" in the title.
- YouTube: Instead of entering a search term for their song, users can instead paste a YouTube link. For example: !sr https://youtu.be/lbnoG2dsUk0. Alternatively, they can just paste the video ID (i.e. the string at the end of the URL): !sr lbnoG2dsUk0
- Uploaded Music File: If you upload a music file (.mp3, .wav, etc.) to the internet and can get a direct streaming link to it, you can request that as well. For example: You can upload your song file to a website like SndUp, then request the song with the direct streaming link, like so: !sr https://sndup.net/9h46/Pony.mp3. These requests can also be given a name by typing it after the link: !sr https://sndup.net/9h46/Pony.mp3 Ginuwine - Pony.
- Note that every song in the queue has an ID, which can be used in other commands. This ID is not based on the song's position in the queue, and does not change. A song's ID is shown in the chat when it is added to the queue.
!q or !queue || Displays the link to your uploaded song queue in chat, i.e. your QUEUE LINK setting. Explained further in the setup guide.
!tl or !timeleft || Displays how much time is remaining on the current song. Putting a song ID after this command will display the combined length of all songs leading up to that one, i.e. how long until that song begins playing (assuming no pausing or skipping).
!ws or !wrongsong || If a user requests a song, but the search does not yield the correct song, the user can type this command to remove the last song they requested from the queue. They can also add a song ID after the command, if they wish to remove one of their requests that isn't the most recent one. For example, !wrongsong 7 will remove song 7 from the queue, assuming it was requested by that same user.
!cs or !clearsong (Mod Only) || Removes the last song added to the queue, regardless of who requested it. Can also add a song ID after the command, if they wish to remove a song besides the most recent one. For example, !clearsong 7 will remove song 7 from the queue.
!plsr (Mod Only) || Functions like !sr, but adds the song to the backup playlist rather than the song request queue.
!plclearsong (Mod Only) || Functions like !clearsong, but removes the most recent song added via !plsr.
!v or !volume (Mod Only) || Doing this command by itself will display the current volume of the music in chat. Adding a number after the command will set the volume to that number. For example, !volume 75 will set the volume to 70 (out of 100).
!volumeup or !vu/!volumedown or !vd (Mod Only) || Turn the music volume up or down. Doing the command by itself will adjust the volume based on what you have the VOL INCREMENT setting set to on your settings spreadsheet, but adding a number after the command will adjust the volume by that amount. For example, if the current volume is 50, !volumeup 20 or !vu 20 will change the volume to 70.
!veto (Mod Only) || Skips the current song.
!pause (Mod Only) || Pauses the music.
!p or !togglepause (Mod Only) || Plays the music if it's paused, or pauses the music if it's playing. Mainly used for a hotkey.
!clearqueue (Mod Only) || Removes all songs from the song request queue. This does not skip the current song.
!quote || Displays a random quote, or a specific quote if the command is followed by a number.
!addquote or !quote add || Adds a quote to the quote list. This list can be viewed in BotData.xlsx, and edited if RXBot is not running, or if the !reloaddb command is run immediately after.
!removequote # or !quote remove # (Mod Only) || Removes a quote from the quote list. Replace # with the ID of the quote you wish to remove.
NOTE: The "Game" column of the Quotes list in BotData.xlsx is currently unused, but will be utilized in a future update.
!addquote or !quote add || Adds a quote to the quote list. This list can be viewed in BotData.xlsx, and edited if RXBot is not running, or if the !reloaddb command is run immediately after.
!removequote # or !quote remove # (Mod Only) || Removes a quote from the quote list. Replace # with the ID of the quote you wish to remove.
NOTE: The "Game" column of the Quotes list in BotData.xlsx is currently unused, but will be utilized in a future update.
!ping || Makes the bot respond with "Pong" in chat. Use to test if your bot is still connected to Twitch.
!uptime || Display in chat how long the current stream has been live.
!reloaddb || Reloads the bot database. If you make changes to BotData.xlsx while RXBot was running, you must run this command immediately after in order to save any changes you made.
!r or !roll || Have the bot roll some dice— any amount of dice, any number of sides, and any modifiers. For example, !roll 3d20+9 will roll three 20-sided dice, and add 9 to the result. Supported modifiers are add (+), subtract (-), multiply (*), and divide (/). Can only use one modifier per command.
!uptime || Display in chat how long the current stream has been live.
!reloaddb || Reloads the bot database. If you make changes to BotData.xlsx while RXBot was running, you must run this command immediately after in order to save any changes you made.
!r or !roll || Have the bot roll some dice— any amount of dice, any number of sides, and any modifiers. For example, !roll 3d20+9 will roll three 20-sided dice, and add 9 to the result. Supported modifiers are add (+), subtract (-), multiply (*), and divide (/). Can only use one modifier per command.