Q: Where can I report bugs and other issues I find?
A: Please direct bugs, issues, and questions to the #bot-support channel in our Discord. We're happy to help.
Q: Does this bot work on Mac/Linux?
A: RXBot is built to work on Windows, and was created and tested on Windows 10. If there's enough of a demand, we can see about a Linux version, but a MacOS version won't happen unless someone else would like to create it.
Q: Why use Google Play Music instead of the more popular Spotify?
A: A while back, Spotify removed their public API, meaning that Spotify integration in any unauthorized program is impossible. Google Play Music, on the other hand, has a free-to-use public API.
Q: Is this bot purely for song requests?
A: At the moment, song requests are the main priority for RXBot. But we do plan on adding normal commands soon, so stay tuned!
Q: My bot crashes on startup!
A: Reinstall Python 3.7.0, and re-run Install_Requirements.bat. If this doesn't work, please contact us in our Discord.
Q: My bot doesn't start at all!
A: Make sure the bot isn't being blocked by your antivirus software, as many will tag .exe files as a virus if it's from an unrecognized source. If you desire, you can run the bot using RXBot.bat in the bot's RXBot folder— it does the exact same thing as the .exe, but we highly recommend against this, as a .bat file cannot properly be run as administrator.
Q: I'm receiving an error that begins with Unhandled exception in thread started by <bound method SystemHotkey._nt_wait
A: This is caused by another program using the same hotkeys you have set in RXBot. Either close the program(s) with the shared hotkeys, or rebind them.
Q: I get an error that has a bunch of URLS, and says "Error saving album art. Try removing and re-adding your backup playlist."
A: This means that a song in your backup playlist has been removed from Google Play Music (often just to be reuploaded with different album art or something). Just use the playlist editor to clear your backup playlist and re-import everything.
Q: Hotkeys don't work in certain programs!
A: If a program is being run as administrator, the bot has to be run as admin as well. If that still doesn't work, then the game likely uses a form of full screen that the hotkey library has trouble with. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be anything we can do about this, but if anyone has experience with the hotkey library that RXBot uses and you know a way around this, please get in touch.
Q: I don't trust random .exe files! Can I run the bot without it?
A: Our bots are completely open source, we assure you they don't do anything malicious. But if you're still paranoid, you can find RXBot.bat and Playlist Editor.bat in the RXBot subfolder. The .bat and .exe files do the exact same thing, but the .exe files are highly recommended, as the .bat files won't properly run as administrator, causing potential compatibility issues.
A: Please direct bugs, issues, and questions to the #bot-support channel in our Discord. We're happy to help.
Q: Does this bot work on Mac/Linux?
A: RXBot is built to work on Windows, and was created and tested on Windows 10. If there's enough of a demand, we can see about a Linux version, but a MacOS version won't happen unless someone else would like to create it.
Q: Why use Google Play Music instead of the more popular Spotify?
A: A while back, Spotify removed their public API, meaning that Spotify integration in any unauthorized program is impossible. Google Play Music, on the other hand, has a free-to-use public API.
Q: Is this bot purely for song requests?
A: At the moment, song requests are the main priority for RXBot. But we do plan on adding normal commands soon, so stay tuned!
Q: My bot crashes on startup!
A: Reinstall Python 3.7.0, and re-run Install_Requirements.bat. If this doesn't work, please contact us in our Discord.
Q: My bot doesn't start at all!
A: Make sure the bot isn't being blocked by your antivirus software, as many will tag .exe files as a virus if it's from an unrecognized source. If you desire, you can run the bot using RXBot.bat in the bot's RXBot folder— it does the exact same thing as the .exe, but we highly recommend against this, as a .bat file cannot properly be run as administrator.
Q: I'm receiving an error that begins with Unhandled exception in thread started by <bound method SystemHotkey._nt_wait
A: This is caused by another program using the same hotkeys you have set in RXBot. Either close the program(s) with the shared hotkeys, or rebind them.
Q: I get an error that has a bunch of URLS, and says "Error saving album art. Try removing and re-adding your backup playlist."
A: This means that a song in your backup playlist has been removed from Google Play Music (often just to be reuploaded with different album art or something). Just use the playlist editor to clear your backup playlist and re-import everything.
Q: Hotkeys don't work in certain programs!
A: If a program is being run as administrator, the bot has to be run as admin as well. If that still doesn't work, then the game likely uses a form of full screen that the hotkey library has trouble with. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be anything we can do about this, but if anyone has experience with the hotkey library that RXBot uses and you know a way around this, please get in touch.
Q: I don't trust random .exe files! Can I run the bot without it?
A: Our bots are completely open source, we assure you they don't do anything malicious. But if you're still paranoid, you can find RXBot.bat and Playlist Editor.bat in the RXBot subfolder. The .bat and .exe files do the exact same thing, but the .exe files are highly recommended, as the .bat files won't properly run as administrator, causing potential compatibility issues.