This guide serves to help you set up RXBot, with the instructions being as simple and clear as possible.
(Last updated for RXBot version 3.4)
(Last updated for RXBot version 3.4)
The bot needs a few other things installed to function properly:
You will also need a Twitch account specifically made for your bot to use, don't use the account you'll actually be streaming from. Make your bot a moderator in your chat, and if you use BetterTTV, make sure to add your new bot. RXBot and IntRX can use the same account.
- Python 3.7.0 is what the bot runs off of. If you have another version of Python installed, don't worry, you can install this separately.
- VLC Media Player needs to be installed, but it does not actually need to be running alongside the bot for it to work.
- Microsoft Excel (or any .xlsx editor) is needed to edit the bot's settings file. We recommend LibreOffice as a free alternative.
You will also need a Twitch account specifically made for your bot to use, don't use the account you'll actually be streaming from. Make your bot a moderator in your chat, and if you use BetterTTV, make sure to add your new bot. RXBot and IntRX can use the same account.
Once you download RXBot, extract the zip file anywhere you wish. However, please do not put the folder anywhere that may cause problems with admin privileges, such as the Program Files folders on your Windows drive.
Once extracted, open your RXBot folder, then open the Setup folder inside of that. Run Install_Requirements.bat (if Windows gives you a warning, click "Run anyway"), a command prompt window will open up. A popup window will also open, read it and press OK. Go back to the command prompt window, press any key, and it will install all the Python libraries the bot needs to function. Once it says everything is set up, press any key to close the window.
Once extracted, open your RXBot folder, then open the Setup folder inside of that. Run Install_Requirements.bat (if Windows gives you a warning, click "Run anyway"), a command prompt window will open up. A popup window will also open, read it and press OK. Go back to the command prompt window, press any key, and it will install all the Python libraries the bot needs to function. Once it says everything is set up, press any key to close the window.
Once all requirements have been installed, go back to the main RXBot folder, and you will see that a new Config folder has been created. Open it, then open Settings.xlsx with your spreadsheet editor of choice. This spreadsheet is where you go to edit your bot settings.
The "Option" column is the name of the setting, the gray "Your Setting" column is what you change to adjust the setting, and the "Description" column is a short description of what the setting does. You can see a full rundown of settings on this site's Settings page, but this tutorial will only cover these settings, which are required for the bot to function:
The "Option" column is the name of the setting, the gray "Your Setting" column is what you change to adjust the setting, and the "Description" column is a short description of what the setting does. You can see a full rundown of settings on this site's Settings page, but this tutorial will only cover these settings, which are required for the bot to function:
PORT || The bot connects to Twitch through this port. 80 will already be open on most networks, so that is the default setting. If 80 doesn't work, try 6667. If you want an SSL connection, use 443 or 6697.
BOT OAUTH || This is your bot's Twitch oauth token. To put it simply, it's a password that only this bot can use to sign into your bot's Twitch account. Click here to generate your oauth token (make sure you sign in with your bot's account, not your own). Once it's generated, copy it and paste it into the spreadsheet.
BOT NAME || Your bot's Twitch username, in all lowercase.
CHANNEL || Your Twitch username, in all lowercase.
GPM ENABLE || If you do not have a Google Play Music subscription, or simply do not wish to use RXBot's GPM integration, set this to No.
You may change the other settings if you wish, but once these five are set up, RXBot is ready to use. Save and close the spreadsheet when you're done.
BOT OAUTH || This is your bot's Twitch oauth token. To put it simply, it's a password that only this bot can use to sign into your bot's Twitch account. Click here to generate your oauth token (make sure you sign in with your bot's account, not your own). Once it's generated, copy it and paste it into the spreadsheet.
BOT NAME || Your bot's Twitch username, in all lowercase.
CHANNEL || Your Twitch username, in all lowercase.
GPM ENABLE || If you do not have a Google Play Music subscription, or simply do not wish to use RXBot's GPM integration, set this to No.
You may change the other settings if you wish, but once these five are set up, RXBot is ready to use. Save and close the spreadsheet when you're done.
(If you disabled Google Play Music in settings, skip this section)
Return to the main RXBot folder and run RXBot.exe. Upon running the bot for the first time, you will see this:
Return to the main RXBot folder and run RXBot.exe. Upon running the bot for the first time, you will see this:
Much like when you generated an oauth token for your Twitch bot, you must now generate one for your Google account. Click here to generate the token, then copy it, paste it into the bot window and press enter. Then close the bot window for now.
Open the Config folder and you'll see Playlist Editor.exe. This is what you use to import your playlists from Google Play Music into RXBot. When you import a playlist, songs will be added to RXBot's backup playlist, which is what will play when the song request queue is empty. Note that user-uploaded files cannot be imported. Run the playlist editor, and you will see this list of options:
Open the Config folder and you'll see Playlist Editor.exe. This is what you use to import your playlists from Google Play Music into RXBot. When you import a playlist, songs will be added to RXBot's backup playlist, which is what will play when the song request queue is empty. Note that user-uploaded files cannot be imported. Run the playlist editor, and you will see this list of options:
1. Fill Playlist: Select a playlist from your GPM account to import. You can import multiple playlists, the bot will not add duplicates.
2. Update Playlist: Search your main playlist for new songs. Your main playlist can be set via the GPM PLAYLIST setting.
3. Shuffle Playlist: Shuffle your backup playlist. This is unnecessary if you have the SHUFFLE ON START setting enabled.
4. Clear Playlist: Delete all songs on your backup playlist.
0. Exit: Exit the playlist editor.
Once that's all done, the bot is completely set up and ready to use! You can run it by opening RXBot.exe.
IMPORTANT: We highly recommend setting the bot to always run as an administrator, otherwise hotkeys won't work properly in some games. Additionally, some antivirus programs will falsely flag RXBot as malicious, we assure you it is not. If the bot does not start properly, your antivirus might be preventing it from doing so— please troubleshoot this yourself before asking for support.
2. Update Playlist: Search your main playlist for new songs. Your main playlist can be set via the GPM PLAYLIST setting.
3. Shuffle Playlist: Shuffle your backup playlist. This is unnecessary if you have the SHUFFLE ON START setting enabled.
4. Clear Playlist: Delete all songs on your backup playlist.
0. Exit: Exit the playlist editor.
Once that's all done, the bot is completely set up and ready to use! You can run it by opening RXBot.exe.
IMPORTANT: We highly recommend setting the bot to always run as an administrator, otherwise hotkeys won't work properly in some games. Additionally, some antivirus programs will falsely flag RXBot as malicious, we assure you it is not. If the bot does not start properly, your antivirus might be preventing it from doing so— please troubleshoot this yourself before asking for support.
In the main RXBot folder, there is a folder called Output, which contains useful files for streamers. If you wish for any of these to be visible on your stream for your viewers, these files can be added as a source to your streaming program of choice.
albumart.jpg is the album art of the currently playing song, if it's playing from Google Play Music. If it's not playing from GPM, it will display generic_art.jpg, which is found in the Config folder, and can be changed to whatever you want as long as it's a 512x512 .jpg file.
NowPlaying.txt contains the name and artist of the currently playing song.
SongQueue.xlsx is the song request queue. Rather than being added to your streaming program, you can set this to be automatically uploaded with a program such as Google Backup and Sync. The link to the uploaded file can then be set as your QUEUE LINK on the settings spreadsheet, allowing your viewers to see the queue at any time.
BotData.xlsx is a spreadsheet containing your backup playlist, as well as all of your quotes (more about quotes on the RXBot Commands page). Much like SongQueue.xlsx, this can be uploaded somewhere for your viewers to look at. This spreadsheet is safe to edit while RXBot is not running, or if you run the !reloaddb command immediately after editing. You can also add new songs to your backup playlist— the "Key" column of the Playlist spreadsheet accepts GPM song IDs, YouTube video IDs, and URLs to uploaded songs.
albumart.jpg is the album art of the currently playing song, if it's playing from Google Play Music. If it's not playing from GPM, it will display generic_art.jpg, which is found in the Config folder, and can be changed to whatever you want as long as it's a 512x512 .jpg file.
NowPlaying.txt contains the name and artist of the currently playing song.
SongQueue.xlsx is the song request queue. Rather than being added to your streaming program, you can set this to be automatically uploaded with a program such as Google Backup and Sync. The link to the uploaded file can then be set as your QUEUE LINK on the settings spreadsheet, allowing your viewers to see the queue at any time.
BotData.xlsx is a spreadsheet containing your backup playlist, as well as all of your quotes (more about quotes on the RXBot Commands page). Much like SongQueue.xlsx, this can be uploaded somewhere for your viewers to look at. This spreadsheet is safe to edit while RXBot is not running, or if you run the !reloaddb command immediately after editing. You can also add new songs to your backup playlist— the "Key" column of the Playlist spreadsheet accepts GPM song IDs, YouTube video IDs, and URLs to uploaded songs.
Join our Discord to be notified of new releases. When a new version releases, simply download RXBot again and extract the zip file to your RXBot install folder, overwriting when asked. Run RXBot to check if any new settings have been added, you will be notified if so.